Social Wave is the only comprehensive marketing solution created from the ground up to address the digital marketing needs of Main Street business districts. It's a cloud based suite of well integrated services that joins together Web, Email, and Social Media marketing into one coordinated approach that saves time and produces professional quality marketing.
We made Social Wave to help Main Street districts look more like designer retail destinations than scrappy downtowns of mom and pop storefronts.
It's easier than ever to publish, but it's never been harder to publish well. Online marketing used to just mean having a website. Now it means multiple social media accounts, a well maintained website, and an email newsletter that gets published on a regular basis. Ideally, you're also converting your social media engagements into website traffic and then turning that website traffic into newsletter signups.
In most organizations, digital marketing is a job that falls on the shoulders of multiple people who specialize in it, but the people who run Main Street business districts aren't like most organizations. If they have multiple people in the office, they're already one of the lucky ones. Even some of the better resourced districts don't have full time help with their online marketing. Typically, digital marketing and everything that encompasses it is just one of the hats that some over-extended administrator has to wear.
Not surprisingly, this usually leads to very scattered and ineffective marketing. Some districts might focus their limited energy into a single social media platform to the complete neglect of their website and other social media channels. Other places do a little of everything, but not in any consistent manner. Sometimes their Facebook page has the goods and at other times it's on their website.
The ideal marketing approach is one that leverages your website, social media accounts, and an email newsletter in support of each other to reach different audiences at the same time. You publish interesting content on your website and then use social media to help you gain more visitors to come read it on your website. Your website then gets some of your visitors to subscribe to your email newsletter which you then use to drive continued interest in your website and social media channels.
Even for experienced professionals, this can be a difficult process to manage on an everyday basis, but Social Wave makes it accessible because everything you need to run a sophisticated and effective marketing campaign for your Main Street business district is contained in one tightly integrated package that's designed to just work. Everything in our platform is kept as simple as possible and streamlined to match only the needs of a typical small business district.
We offer numerous service models for getting your business district running on the Social Wave marketing platform. At the most basic level, we convert your existing website into a Social Wave powered website, get everything set up for you, and hand control over to you. At the other end, we'll do extensive onsite photography, completely redesign your website (or work with someone you choose), and then manage your digital marketing for you for the first year or on an ongoing basis.
Want to know more about Social Wave? Contact us if you'd like to get a demo and see how it works.